Please view Academic CV
Professional Preparation:
Federal University of Bahia Computer Science B.S. 2009
Federal University of Bahia Mechatronics M.S. 2012
2019-present |
Associate Director, Center for Internet Augmented Research and Assessment (CIARA), Florida International University |
2016-2019 |
Assistant Director, Center for Internet Augmented Research and Assessment (CIARA), Florida International University |
2014-2016 |
Coordinator Computer System Control, Center for Internet Augmented Research and Assessment (CIARA), Florida International University |
2012-2014 |
Senior Network Engineer, Brazilian National Network of Research, Brazil. |
2011-2012 |
IT Manager, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil |
2011-2012 |
Network Administrator and Research, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil |
2003-2011 |
Network and IT Analyst, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil |
Selected Publications/Presentations:
Chung, J., Donovan, S., Bezerra, J., Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Clark, R., and Owen, H. 2019. "Novel Network Services for Supporting Big Data Science Research," Future Generation Computer Systems (98), pp. 512-521 Paper pdf |
Bezerra, J., Ibarra, J., Boertjes, D., Santillo, F., Williford, L., Morgan, H., Cox, C., and Lopez, L. 2019. "Mitigating Soft Failures Using Network Analytics and SDN to Support Distributed Bandwidth-Intensive Scientific Instruments over International Networks," in: SubOptic Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA. Paper pdf |
Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., Lopez, L.F., Chergarova, V., Cox III, D.A., Alvarez, G.E., Stanton, M., Hazin, A., Lotz, L. and Mammen, S., "AARCLight–New opportunities for South Atlantic R&E Network collaboration between Africa, Brazil, and the US". Presented at UbuntuNet-Connect Conference 2018 Zanzibar, Tanzania, November 22-23, 2018. https://events.ubuntunet.net/event/16/contributions/149/ Paper pdf |
Newman, H., Balcas, J., Putaswamy, S., Vlimant, J.-R., Pata, J., Iordache, C., Anderson, S., Chang, J., Boyd, D., Watanabe, L., Williams, D. S., Anderson, C., Mughal, A., Kantor, J., Kollross, M., Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., Arcanjo, V., Zahir, A., Morgan, H., Yang, R., Xiang, Q., Zhang, J., Wang, X. T., Guo, D., Yu, D., Wang, M., Leet, C., Chen, S., Le, F., Lim, Y.-S., Pourbaix, Y. D., Mishra, V., Lehman, T., Yang, X., Defanti, T., Smarr, L., Graham, J., Hutton, T., Wuerthwein, F., Papadopoulos, P., Monga, I., Guok, C., Macauley, J., Sim, A., Hazen, D., Novaes, S., Iope, R., Leal, B., Gomes, M., Beruchi, A., Mambretti, J., Chen, J., Szalay, A., Malenstein, G. V., Demar, P., Winkler, L., Mckee, S., Yeh, E., Ranliu, Papadopoulos, C., Shannigrahi, S., Zhang, L., Jashal, B., Mazumdar, K., Reese, D., John Hess, L. F., Lopez, L., Stanton, M., Moura, A., Jaque, S., Astudillo, A., Lyonnais, M., Wilson, R., Wilby, N. & Williford, L. "NRE-16: Global Petascale to Exascale Science Workflows Accelerated by Next Generation SDN Architectures and Applications". Demonstration at Supercomputing Conference 2018 (SC18). Dallas, TX, November 12-15, 2018. https://sc18.supercomputing.org/experience/scinet/network-research-exhibition/ Paper pdf |
Newman, H., Balcas, J., Putaswamy, S., Vlimant, J.-R., Pata, J., Lordache, C., Anderson, S., Anderson, C., Mughal, A., Kantor, J., Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., Arcanjo, V., Zahir, A., Morgan, H., Defanti, T., Smarr, L., Graham, J., Hutton, T., Wuerthwein, F., Papadopoulos, P., Monga, I., Guok, C., Macauley, J., Novaes, S., Iope, R., Leal, B., Gomes, M., Beruchi, A., Mambretti, J., Reese, D., Hess, J., Fox, L., Lopez, L., Stanton, M., Moura, A., Jaque, S., Astudillo, A., Lyonnais, M., Wilson, R., Wilby, N. & Williford, L., "NRE-17: Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Real Time Low Latency Transfers for Scientific Processing Demonstrations". Demonstration at Supercomputing Conference 2018 (SC18). Dallas, TX, November 12-15, 2018. https://sc18.supercomputing.org/experience/scinet/network-research-exhibition/ Paper pdf |
Newman, H., Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Cox, D., & Bezerra, J., "NRE-18: Americas Lightpaths Express and Protect Enhances Infrastructure for Research and Education". Demonstration at Supercomputing Conference 2018 (SC18). Dallas, TX, November 12-15, 2018. https://sc18.supercomputing.org/experience/scinet/network-research-exhibition/ Paper pdf |
Chung, J., Donovan, S., Bezerra, J., Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Clark, R., & Owen, H., "Novel Network Services for Supporting Big Data Science Research". Presented at Gateways 2017, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, October 23-25, 2017. https:// gateways2017.figshare.com/ Paper pdf |
Chung, J., Donovan, S., Bezerra, J., Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Clark, R., & Owen, H., "Novel Network Services for Supporting Big Data Science Research". Presented at Gateways 2017, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, October 23-25, 2017. https:// gateways2017.figshare.com/ Poster pdf |
Bezerra, J., Arcanjo, V., Ibarra, J., Kantor, J., Lambert, R., Kollross, M., Astudillo, A., Sobhani,S., Jaque, S., Petravick, D., Morgan, H., Lopez, L., "International Networking in support of Extremely Large Astronomical Data-centric Operations". Presented at Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS XXVII) conference, Santiago, Chile, October 22-26, 2017. http://www.adass.org/ pdf |
Bezerra, J., Ibarra, J., Schwarz, M., Freitas, H., Morgan, H., “Mitigating the Risks of Supporting Multiple Control Plans in a Production SDN Network: A Use Case”, In Anais do SBRC/WPEIF 2017, Belem, PA, Brazil, (p.34-37) |
Xu, C., Wu, X., Luo, Y., Tierney, B., Bezerra, J. “Pepple: Programmable network measurement for troubleshooting soft failures”, In IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 2016 37th (pp. 136-141). IEEE. Newark, NJ, USA. |
Galiza, H., Schwarz, M., Bezerra, J. and Ibarra, J., “Moving an IP network to SDN: a global use case deployment experience at AmLight”. Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC) Workshop on Future Internet Research and Experimentation (WPEIF),pages 15-18, Salvador Bahia Brazil, June 2016 |
Bezerra, J., Galiza, H., Ibarra, J. and Schwarz, M., “AmLight’s OpenFlow Sniffer dissected: Troubleshooting production networks”, Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC) Workshop on Future Internet Research and Experimentation (WPEIF),pages 33-36, Salvador Bahia Brazil, June 2016 |
Hendriks, L., Schmidt, R. D. O., Sadre, R., Bezerra, J. A., & Pras, A. Assessing the Quality of Flow Measurements from OpenFlow Devices. TMA. |
J. Chung, J. Cox, J. Ibarra, J. Bezerra, H. Morgan, R. Clark, and H. Owen, "AtlanticWave-SDX: An International SDX to Support Science Data Applications," in Software Defined Networking (SDN) for Scientific Networking Workshop, Nov. 2015, pp. 1-7 |
Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., Morgan, H., Lopez, L. F., Cox, D. A., Stanton, M., ... & Grizendi, E. (2015, May). Benefits brought by the use of OpenFlow/SDN on the AmLight intercontinental research and education network.IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM) (pp. 942-947). IEEE, 2015 |
Bezerra, J. Mobilidade IP com o protocolo LISP: avaliação prática. Master Defense in Mechatronics, Engineering School/Federal University of Bahia, 2012 |
Valcy, I., Barreto, L. P., Bezerra, J. Tratamento Automatizado de Incidentes de Segurança da Informação em Redes de Campus. XI Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais (SBSeg) - Brasília/Brasil, 2011 |
Bezerra, J.; Barreto, L.; Mendonça, L.; Alvez, C.; Freitas, H.; LISP as a solution for Internet scalability”, I Workshop Research of the Future Internet, Gramado/Brazil, 2010. |
Bezerra, J. A. Estudo sobre Segurança de Camada de Enlace em Redes de Campus, Under graduation final work, Institute of Mathematics, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. Defended on June, 2009. |
Ramos, G., Bezerra, J., Teixeira, J., Farias, R., & Salles, T. Data Warehouse e Data Mining, Institute of Mathematics, Federal University of Bahia/Brazil, 2009. |
Synergistic Activities: