Please view Academic CV
Professional Preparation:
University of Miami Education B.S. 1989
Florida International University English M.A. 1999
Erasmus University PhD. Information Communication Technology 2006
2016 Research Scientist Associate, Center for Internet Augmented Research and Assessment
2016 Senior Computer Scientist, Information Sciences Institute (ISI), University of Southern California (USC)
2005-2016 Director, Center for Internet Augmented Research and Assessment
2002-2005 Associate Director, CIARA
2002-2003 Director, IT Research Madrid-Miami Center
2000-2002 Assistant Director, Network Engineering and Telecommunications
1995-2000 Adjunct Instructor, Freshman Composition, Academic Systems Multi-
Media English
1998-1999 Sr. Programmer Analyst, Academic and Research Computing
1992-1996 Chief, of Information Services, Miami-Dade, Department of Solid Waste
Selected Publications/Presentations:
Chergarova, V., Ibarra, J., D’Cunha, C, Kirgan, M., Cabrera, R., Rotella, D., Bezerra, J., Rotella, R., and Morgan, H. 2020. "Accelerating FIU’s science research and education towards discovery and innovation by leveraging FIU’s Science DMZ", AMCIS 2020 Proceedings (7) Abstract and presentation
Chergarova, V., Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., "Factors influencing the adoption of Software Defined Networking by Research and Educational Networks", The annual Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancun, Mexico, August 15-17, 2019 Paper pdf
Chung, J., Donovan, S., Bezerra, J., Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Clark, R., and Owen, H. 2019. "Novel Network Services for Supporting Big Data Science Research," Future Generation Computer Systems (98), pp. 512-521 Paper pdf
Bezerra, J., Ibarra, J., Boertjes, D., Santillo, F., Williford, L., Morgan, H., Cox, C., and Lopez, L. 2019. "Mitigating Soft Failures Using Network Analytics and SDN to Support Distributed Bandwidth-Intensive Scientific Instruments over International Networks," in: SubOptic Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA. Paper pdf
Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., Lopez, L.F., Chergarova, V., Cox III, D.A., Alvarez, G.E., Stanton, M., Hazin, A., Lotz, L. and Mammen, S., "AARCLight–New opportunities for South Atlantic R&E Network collaboration between Africa, Brazil, and the US". Presented at UbuntuNet-Connect Conference 2018 Zanzibar, Tanzania, November 22-23, 2018. Paper pdf
Newman, H., Balcas, J., Putaswamy, S., Vlimant, J.-R., Pata, J., Iordache, C., Anderson, S., Chang, J., Boyd, D., Watanabe, L., Williams, D. S., Anderson, C., Mughal, A., Kantor, J., Kollross, M., Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., Arcanjo, V., Zahir, A., Morgan, H., Yang, R., Xiang, Q., Zhang, J., Wang, X. T., Guo, D., Yu, D., Wang, M., Leet, C., Chen, S., Le, F., Lim, Y.-S., Pourbaix, Y. D., Mishra, V., Lehman, T., Yang, X., Defanti, T., Smarr, L., Graham, J., Hutton, T., Wuerthwein, F., Papadopoulos, P., Monga, I., Guok, C., Macauley, J., Sim, A., Hazen, D., Novaes, S., Iope, R., Leal, B., Gomes, M., Beruchi, A., Mambretti, J., Chen, J., Szalay, A., Malenstein, G. V., Demar, P., Winkler, L., Mckee, S., Yeh, E., Ranliu, Papadopoulos, C., Shannigrahi, S., Zhang, L., Jashal, B., Mazumdar, K., Reese, D., John Hess, L. F., Lopez, L., Stanton, M., Moura, A., Jaque, S., Astudillo, A., Lyonnais, M., Wilson, R., Wilby, N. & Williford, L. "NRE-16: Global Petascale to Exascale Science Workflows Accelerated by Next Generation SDN Architectures and Applications". Demonstration at Supercomputing Conference 2018 (SC18). Dallas, TX, November 12-15, 2018. Paper pdf
Newman, H., Balcas, J., Putaswamy, S., Vlimant, J.-R., Pata, J., Lordache, C., Anderson, S., Anderson, C., Mughal, A., Kantor, J., Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., Arcanjo, V., Zahir, A., Morgan, H., Defanti, T., Smarr, L., Graham, J., Hutton, T., Wuerthwein, F., Papadopoulos, P., Monga, I., Guok, C., Macauley, J., Novaes, S., Iope, R., Leal, B., Gomes, M., Beruchi, A., Mambretti, J., Reese, D., Hess, J., Fox, L., Lopez, L., Stanton, M., Moura, A., Jaque, S., Astudillo, A., Lyonnais, M., Wilson, R., Wilby, N. & Williford, L., "NRE-17: Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Real Time Low Latency Transfers for Scientific Processing Demonstrations". Demonstration at Supercomputing Conference 2018 (SC18). Dallas, TX, November 12-15, 2018. Paper pdf
Newman, H., Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Cox, D., & Bezerra, J., "NRE-18: Americas Lightpaths Express and Protect Enhances Infrastructure for Research and Education". Demonstration at Supercomputing Conference 2018 (SC18). Dallas, TX, November 12-15, 2018. Paper pdf
Chung, J., Donovan, S., Bezerra, J., Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Clark, R., & Owen, H., "Novel Network Services for Supporting Big Data Science Research". Presented at Gateways 2017, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, October 23-25, 2017. https:// Paper pdf
Chung, J., Donovan, S., Bezerra, J., Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Clark, R., & Owen, H., "Novel Network Services for Supporting Big Data Science Research". Presented at Gateways 2017, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, October 23-25, 2017. https:// Poster pdf
Bezerra, J., Arcanjo, V., Ibarra, J., Kantor, J., Lambert, R., Kollross, M., Astudillo, A., Sobhani,S., Jaque, S., Petravick, D., Morgan, H., Lopez, L., "International Networking in support of Extremely Large Astronomical Data-centric Operations". Presented at Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS XXVII) conference, Santiago, Chile, October 22-26, 2017. pdf
Bezerra, J., Ibarra, J., Schwarz, M., Freitas, H., Morgan, H., “Mitigating the Risks of Supporting Multiple Control Plans in a Production SDN Network: A Use Case”, In Anais do SBRC/WPEIF 2017, Belem, PA, Brazil, (p.34-37)
J. Chung, J. Cox, J. Ibarra, J. Bezerra, H. Morgan, R. Clark, and H. Owen, "AtlanticWave-SDX: An International SDX to Support Science Data Applications," in Software Defined Networking (SDN) for Scientific Networking Workshop, Nov. 2015, pp. 1-7.
Nam Pho, Dino R. C. Magri, Fernando F. Redigolo, Byoung-Do Kim, Timothy Feeney, Heidi L. Morgan, Chirag J. Patel, Chris Botka, Tereza Cristina M. B. Carvalho: "Data Transfer in a Science DMZ using SDN with Applications for Precision Medicine in Cloud and High-performance Computing", SC 2015 - International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Austin, TX, 15-20 Nov, 2015
Julio Ibarra, Jeronimo Bezerra, Heidi Alvarez,Donald A. Cox, III, Michael Stanton, Iara Machado, and Eduardo Grizendi: "Benefits brought by the use of OpenFlow/SDN in the AmLight intercontinental research and education network" ,IM 2015 - 14th IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management, Ottawa, Canada, 11-15 May, 2015 Paper
Pedro Bello-Maldonado, Ana Oprescu, Paola Grosso, Heidi Alvarez and Indira Gutierrez: "OSDC BigDataBus: Towards an Unified Architecture for Scientific Data Aggregation" , 2014 XSEDE14 Conference, Atlanta, GA, 13-18 July, 2014 Poster
Alvarez, Heidi L., Cox Donald A., Ibarra, Julio E. “Openwave: Collaboration Between Industry and Government”, Managing Critical Infrastructure in a Changing Natural and Socio-Economic Environment, 2014 ICPC Plenary Meeting , Dubai, 18-20 March, 2014 Abstract pdf
Robert Grossman, Heidi Alvarez, Paula Grosso, Adam Barker, Vasilka Chergarova “Open Science Data Cloud Automate Provisioning” Lightening Talks: Trans-European Research And Education Networking Association TNC2013, Netherlands, 2013 Abstract Link
Robert L. Grossman, Matthew Greenway, Allison P. Heath, Ray Powell, Rafael D. Suarez, Walt Wells, Kevin P. White, Malcolm P. Atkinson, Iraklis A. Klampanos, Heidi L. Alvarez, Christine Harvey, Joe Mambretti: The Design of a Community Science Cloud: The Open Science Data Cloud Perspective. SC Companion 2012: 1051-1057 Abstract pdf
Chi Zhang, Bin Liu, Xun Su,Heidi L. Alvarez,Julio Ibarra “Integrating heterogeneous network monitoring data”, Telecommunication Systems 2008,71-84, Vol. 37 No. 1-3 Pg. 71-84 Abstract pdf
Xing Hang, David Villegas Castillo, S. Masoud Sadjadi, and Heidi Alvarez. “Formative assessment of the effectiveness of collaboration in GCB,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2007), Merrillville, Indiana, USA, October 2007.
C. Zhang, B. Liu, X. Su, H. Alvarez and J. Ibarra, "An Experimental Approach to Integrating NetFlow Flow-level Records and NLANR Packet-level Traces",Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (IEEE Computer Society Press), Silicon Valley, July 2007.
H. Alvarez, J. Ibarra, K. Kumar, C. Zhang, et. al., "CyberBridges: Integrating Advanced Grid Infrastructure with Science and Engineering", Proceedings of the TeraGrid Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, June 2007.
H. Alvarez, D. Chatfield, D. Cox, E. Crumpler, C. D’Cunha, R. Gutierrez, J. Ibarra, E. Johnson, K. Kumar, T. Milledge, G. Narasimhan, M. Sadjadi, and C. Zhang, "Cyberbridges: A Model Collaboration Infrastructure for e-Science", Proceedings of the the 7th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2007
H. Alvarez, Distributed Collaborative Learning Communities Enabled by Information Communication Technology. Erasmus Research Institute of Management Ph.D. Series. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. June 2, 2006.
H. Alvarez, Regional aspects of Miami crime fiction. Florida International University, University Graduate School Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Miami, USA. February 19, 1999. | PDF
Synergistic Activities:
NITRD Influential Women in STEM
CENIC annual meeting program committee member
Chairperson, Internet2 Emerging Research and Education Networks Caribbean Special Interest Group
Chinese American Network Symposium (CANS) Program Committee
Latin American University Research and Education Networks Foundation Board
FIU Academy for the Art of Teaching Grant Award; Innovations in Process Analysis
Chairperson, Miami-Dade County Information Systems Policy Committee Group
Collaborators And Other Affiliations:
Atkinson, Malcolm; University of Edinburgh, Botka, Chris; Harvard Medical School, Carvalho, Teresa; University of Sao Paulo, Casasus, Carlos; CUDI, Chung Joaquin; GeorgiaTech, Clark, Russell; GeorgiaTech, Clua, Esteban; UFF Rio de Janeiro, Cox, Donald C.; Vanderbilt University, Cox, Jacob; GeorgiaTech, de Laat, Cees, University of Amsterdam, Feeney, Timothy; Truft Medical School, Fox, Luis; CENIC, Grizendi, Eduardo; RNP Sao Paulo, Grossman, Robert; University of Chicago, Grosso, Paola; University of Amsterdam, Heath, Allison P.; University of Chicago, Harvey, Christine; MITRE, Ibarra, Julio; FIU CIARA, Iraklis A. Klampanos; University of Edinburgh, Johnson, Eric; FIU SCIC, Kantor, Jeff; LSST, Kim, Byoung-Do;Harvard Medical School, Kojima, Isao; AIST Japan, Lara, Alejandro; REUNA, Liu, Jason, FIU SCIC, Lopez, Luis; USP Sao Paulo, Magri, Dino; University of Sao Paulo, Machado, Iara; RNP and UFF Rio de Janeiro, Newman, Harvey; Caltech Physics, Owen, Henry; GeorgiaTech, Patel, Chirag; Harvard Medical School, Redigolo, Fernando; University of Sao Paulo, Rodriguez, Jorge; FIU Physics, Rodriguez, Raúl Rivera; CICESE, Smith, Chris; AURA, Smith, Colleen Wint; CKLN, Stanton, Michael; RNP and UFF Rio de Janeiro, Utreras, Florencio; RedCLARA, Vallalon, Salma Jalife; CUDI, Wu, Chung-I; BIG China, Yu, Philip; University of Illinois.
- Graduate Advisors: Professor Kenneth Johnson; FIU College of A&S English
- Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor: Dr. Professor Kuldeep
Kumar; Rotterdam School of Management of Erasmus University.