e-Science and Engineering Collaborations
Grand Challenge Research: CHEPREO The Center for High-Energy Physics Research and Educational Outreach (CHEPREO) is an interregional grid-enables network. CHEPREO fosters an integrated program of research, network infrastructure development, and education and outreach in collaboration with FIU, Caltech, University of Florida, Florida State University, the State University of Rio de Janeiro and the University of Sao Paolo. It augments bandwidth capacity to Brazil. It is jointly funded by the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) (MPS-0312038) and State of Sao Paolo Research Foundation (FAPESP). UltraLight Collaboration UltraLight is an integrated hybrid experimental network, leveraging transatlantic R&D network partnerships. It has packet-switched + dynamic optical paths which are 10 GbE across US and the Atlantic through NLR, LHCNet, NetherLight, UKLight, etc. with extensions to Korea, Brazil and Taiwan. Ultrlight provides for end-to-end monitoring; realtime tracking and optimization and dynamic bandwidth provisioning. There are agent-based services spanning all layers of the system, from the optical cross-connects to the applications. For more information on UltraLight, visit their website at http://ultralight.caltech.edu. Grid 3: Open Science Grid WHREN will build on Grid3 experience using a persistent, production quality Grid, both national and international in scope. It will ensure that the United States will take a leading role in international science by offering a Grid infrastructure for large-scale collaborative scientific research. This will create a large computing infrastructure that combines the resources at DOE labs and universities to effectively become a single national computing infrastructure for science. It will provide opportunities for educators and students to participate in building and exploiting this grid infrastructure which will develop and train the scientific and technical workforce and transform the integration of education and research at all levels. Grand Challenge Science Instruments
Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute The Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) is a NSF sponsored program to offer a series of lectures at the advanced graduate and postgraduate level involving domain researchers, students and practitioners (NSF Award# 0418366, OISE Americas Program). The program aims to disseminate advanced scientific and engineering knowledge, stimulate collaborative learning and cooperation among the research communities of the Americas. CIARA, along with collaborators from the U.S., Argentina and Brazil, is organizing a PASI to offer a series of lectures on the role of Grid Computing and Advanced Networking for High-Energy Physics and Astronomy. Our PASI is planned for May 15-20, 2005 in Mendoza, Argentina. Approximately 40 students from the Americas will learn of the major experiments, Grid and advanced networking technologies and how the growing interdependence between the science and the technologies are forming global collaborations. |
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Award #OCI-0441095 | Projeto #04/14414-2 |