Ultralight/PLaNetS Tutorial

Opportunity for Students!

Sponsored by NSF Award PHY-0427110 and Award PHY-0622423

Kovens Conference Center

Tutorial Purpose
Education and Outreach to disseminate the capabilities and use of the Physics Lambda Network Services (PLaNetS) to support Large Hadron Collider (LHC)/Compact Muon Soloid (CMS) data analysis and other applications.

When: Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Where: Florida International University Kovens Conference Center in Miami, Florida USA

Who: The Tutorial is aimed at Undergraduates, Graduates and Young Faculty in physics, computer science and engineering with some physics course background and programming experience (Java, Python, or C++ preferred).  This is a good tutorial for graduate students and staff helping with CMS data management as well.  There are 50 slots available, half of which are targeted at students at FIU and in the southeast.  Several slots are reserved for Brazilian students and the rest are open to students anywhere in the US. It is recommended that students bring a laptop to the tutorial sessions as they may have an opportunity to follow along with the instructor.

How to Apply: Please submit 200 words explaining your interest in attending the tutorial and qualifications via http://www.ciara.fiu.edu/ultralight/. There is travel & lodging support available for students. The Tutorial agenda is listed on website. Please register asap since spots will go fast.

Cost to Students: NONE. You will be provided breakfast, lunch, plus morning and afternoon snacks free of charge.

Michael Thomas, Caltech Physics California, Jorge Rodriguez, FIU Physics, Frank van Lingen, Caltech Physics at CERN, Artur Barczyk, Caltech Physics at CERN (remote).

Contact email: UltraLight-PLaNetS-Tutorial@ampath.net